Handbags give hope to disadvantaged

TO uplift and encourage women from disadvantaged backgrounds, donate a handbag (old or new) and fill it with soap, a face cloth, deodorant, sanitary pads, tissues and a chocolate.

This handbag project is being run by the East London Ladies Circle 23 , a service organisation. “We wanted to run a project for women’s month, and decided on collecting toiletries for ladies that are in need. We have received help from Stirling High and Stirling Primary school who are collecting items on our behalf as well,” said Ladies Circle 23 treasurer Nadia Janson.

The EL Ladies Circle 23 has run many projects in the past like the Bookworm Project where they collected old books and magazines for distribution to old age homes and schools.

This is an ongoing project with hand-overs taking place quarterly.

They also had a collection of old clothes, they collect second hand clothes and redistribute to old age homes and schools.

This is an ongoing project as well.


Ladies Circle 23 public relations officer Lindi McDowell said they wanted to give women something personal this August with a few goodies inside.

“We chose [to donate the bags to] Masimanyane Women’s Support Centre because we have worked with them before.”

She also said if they collect more than what they need for Masimanyane, they will look for another beneficiary to give the excess to.

You can drop off your handbag at Gasmart in Nahoon, during August.

Distributions will be made early next month.


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