Dynamic Dance programme a blast

SHARING her passion for dance and theatre with young people, Vicky Luff welcomes anyone to join the 9th annual Dynamic Dance Academy next month.

Whether you have been dancing for years or want to start, the academy is a safe space to test your abilities in more than 10 different dance styles.

Accommodating a maximum of 48 dancers from the age of six upwards, the intensive 10-day programme culminates with a production at the Guild Theatre.

GET IN LINE: Experienced and inexperienced dancers are called to apply to participate in the  Dynamic   Dance   Academy  next month. The  academy  teaches young people a wide variety of  dance  styles which they showcase in a production at the Guild Theatre on December 13 Picture: SUPPLIED
GET IN LINE: Experienced and inexperienced dancers are called to apply to participate in the Dynamic Dance Academy next month. The academy teaches young people a wide variety of dance styles which they showcase in a production at the Guild Theatre on December 13 Picture: SUPPLIED

“Your mind and body are pushed to limits beyond your imagination. You make amazing new friends, get to try new dance styles and grow as an individual,” Luff enthused.

Over the years, Luff has noticed talent among underprivileged youngsters and given them training to thrive in the dance world.

For example, Kirt Ruiters began modern dancing under the guidance of Luff and Nicole Windell, and went on to study dance at the Waterfront Theatre School in Cape Town.

Bursaries are on offer to promising young people who are passionate about dancing but cannot afford the programme.

Dance styles include classical, contemporary, gumboot, pantsula, African jazz, tap, Spanish, belly dancing, hip-hop and modern.

This year, renowned vocalist Kerry Hiles will run a two-hour workshop and stage director Amanda Bothma will also share her expertise in a drama and acting workshop.

Applications close on November 20 for the programme. Classes run from December 1 to 10, with the show, titled Wonderful Journey, performed at the Guild Theatre on December 13.

For more information, contact Luff on 073-941-6893 or e-mail


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