Lion’s share of toys

KWT Lions Club toy run drive a roaring success

KING William’s Town Lions Club annual toy run drive held at the Malcom Andrews Centre at the Dale College Sports Grounds at the weekend, can be described as a phenomenal success.

This after a large number of toys were donated by the bikers and members of the community.



The generosity and kindness showed will ensure that many underprivileged children will have a moment to remember when they each receive a gift a few days before Christmas from the Lions Club.

Toy run project leader Lion Mornay Russel was overwhelmed with the generous support from donors and thanked all who made the initiative a huge success.

“The turnout is phenomenal, above my expectations and the weather divine,” Russel said.

“Bikers were as usual present and supportive and the community came out in their numbers and we are indeed grateful for the tremendous support.”

A total of 53 bikers from different biker clubs participated in the parade this year and were escorted through the town by traffic officials and brought all traffic to a halt.

The bikers were then served with a delicious breakfast prepared by the Lions Ladies on the day and fun followed with a number of lucky draws.


Lions secretary Susan Hagens said the toys donated will be added to gift packs and handed to the less fortunate children, especially those in hospitals and children’s homes.

“With the funds generated at the event, we will also be able to buy more sweets and gifts for the children,” Hagens said.

Lions president Ulrich Hagens congratulated Russel for organising a successful toy run, as well as the Lions and Lion Ladies who assisted.

“Thank you to all who once again proved beyond doubt that we as the KWT Lions Club are one. Keep up the good work,” said Hagens.

“I also would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the biker clubs and the community for the generous donation of wonderful toys and a big thank you to the Buffalo City Metro traffic department for their assistance on the day. I also salute the sponsors for their contributions.”


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