SUMMERPRIDE Foods and Shelford Jams and Juices celebrated World Aids Day by spreading the love at Sophumelela Children’s home.
The company held a party for the children and handed out goody bags of foodstuffs and sweet treats.
World Aids Day is commemorated each year on December 1 and is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have died. The aim of this campaign is to ensure that the rights of people living with HIV and Aids are not violated, and that discrimination on the basis of HIV, AIDS and TB is reduced, and ultimately eliminated.
“Summerpride and Shelford believe that it is essential to fulfil our social responsibility and obligation to our community by partnering with organisations that are involved in community based programmes,” organisers and HR team at Summerpride Louisa Smith and Nobulali Bikishi agreed.
“We have this year identified Sophumelela Children’s home, which accommodates mostly children who range from 0 to six years who are affected by the epidemic,” they said.