Minister Dlamini hands over preschool to Ducats

Children in the rural area of Ducats, outside East London, received a new preschool building structure

Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini opens Siyakha Day Care Centre in East London.
Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini opens Siyakha Day Care Centre in East London.

The centre is being officially opened by the Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini.

The crèche which has 88 pupils has been refurbished and equipped with new toys, learning materials, sickbays and studying facilities.

School principal Nobendi Maxhosana says the creche served mostly pupils from poor backgrounds.

“Our children mostly come from families that are dependent on social grants,” she said, adding that the centre will also help pupils to develop basic social skills.

The creche which started operating in 1992 was launched again in a new structure by the minister.

Dlamini says the creche would go a long way in helping to fight poverty.

“Children, no matter where they come from, have the right to go to preschool. We want the community to be enthusiastic about taking their children to creche because when you do that they grow and learn,” she said.


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