Today (Thursday, January 19)

● All people over the age of 21 who love dancing can join the EL Dance Club tonight and every Thursday night at the EL Bowling Club. Entrance is between the Jumbo complex and the big sports fields. Live music by top entertainers.

●The Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve is a must for nature lovers. New members of Nahooners, which supports the reserve, are welcome to join and are given a gate key that allows them to visit 24/7. For inquiries call Celia on (043)735-1833.

●The Beacon Bay Bridge Club invites people to play social bridge every Tuesday and Friday between 1.30 and 4.30pm, at the Eden Worship Centre at 10 Coad Road, Beacon Bay. For further information contact Olga on 083-650-6653 or (043)735-1736 or Heather on (043)748-1465.

●Join the Scottish Country Dance Club every Tuesday from 4 to 5.30pm in the Ham’s Club. No experience required. Free lessons given. R10 per person per session. For queries call Nookie Middleton on 084-693-2836 or Merrylees Burgess on (043)721-0375.

●If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Gonubie Community Policing Forum, please contact Dewald Knoetze on 082-822-1035 or Fred Minty on 072-515-8646.

●Alcoholics Anonymous Gonubie meet at the Baptist Church in Watsonia Crescent at 7.30pm. Call Jan on 082-850-6918 or Nick on 072-831-7663.


●Party and dance to great music with Quentin at Comrades Club tonight from 8.15pm till late. Kitchen and bar open from 6pm. Entry is only R10. Call 083-255-3468 before 2pm on a Friday to book.


●The 10km Lavender Blue Pineapple Walk is held every Saturday at 6.30am (weather permitting) along farm roads. Meet Yvonne in the Lavender Blue parking lot. Take the usual goodies and some money for breakfast afterwards.

●The Boeremusiekgilde will hold a dance at the East London Bowling Club at 7 for 7.30pm. Entry is R20 for members and R30 for non-members. For further information contact 083-681-4655.

●The Women Who Change the World Ladies Conference will be held at Greenfields Methodist Church from 8.30am to 4.30pm. The cost is R80 and includes tea and a light lunch. The guest speaker is Lynette Beer from Seeds of Inspiration, one of South Africa’s most inspirational motivation speakers and Presidential Business Woman 2016. Contact Daphne Lamprecht on 082-921-8227 or e-mail for more information.


●Tea in the Trees have a market on the first and last Sunday of the month from 9am to 2pm. Only R50 to have a stall. For inquiries contact Kate on 072-611-2367 or

●The Flea Market Esplanade (in front of Osners Hotel) is on every weekend, weather permitting, from 8am to 2pm. All new stalls welcome.


●The East London Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets at The Catholic Church Hall in Caxton Street, Quigney, at 7.30pm every Monday. Contact Morris on 073-870-4486 or Pieter on 082-094-0959 or (043)722-4033.

●Alcoholics Anonymous Kayser’s Beach Group meets at the Chapel Hall at 7.30pm. Contact 082-714-9400.

●If you live with someone who drinks, and it is affecting you, or have lived with an alcoholic, there is help available at the Al Anon Family Group Meeting held at Cambridge Methodist Church, Hebbes Street, every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Call Elsie on (043)721-0483 or 078-628-6311.


●Masithethe Counselling Services (formerly LifeLine East London) will host a 10-session Personal Growth Course focusing on self-acceptance and awareness, communication, stress management, conflict and anger, relationships, loss and bereavement. It starts on January 24 from 7 to 9.30pm and will be followed by a 10-week Advanced Counselling Skills Course. For inquiries contact (043)743-7266 or e-mail

●East London Museum principal scientist Kevin Cole will give a free presentation on whales, with reference to recent strandings at the museum from 7.30pm. All welcome.

●Alcoholics Anonymous Cambridge Group meets at the Methodist Church, Hebbes Street, Cambridge, at 7.30pm. Contact Jumbo on (043)741-3685.

●The pipe band meet at the Abbottsford Christian School. Tuition given. For bagpipes call Robert on 082-897-8571, and drumming: Stephen on 076-308-0912.

●The EL Bridge Club welcomes all who wish to play Duplicate Bridge, including newcomers. Bring a partner on any Tuesday and/or Saturday at 1.15pm to the Berea Gardens Dining Hall. Call Jean (043)735-4893, Karen 082-856- 0400 or Kathie 083-651-0418. .

●Narcotics Anonymous meet every Wednesday and Friday from 7pm-8pm at St Nicholas Church, Pell Street, Beacon Bay. For details, call 082-796-3699.


● The Golden Oldies Golf Club (over 50s) at Python Park Caddy Shack invite women to join the club. The fun starts every Wednesday at 8am for 8.30am. For inquires call Eric Dellaquerra on 082-332-6271 or Mike Goss on 083-555-3275.

January 27

●U3A will host advocate Paul Hoffman from Cape Town as the guest speaker at St Andrews Croquet Club at 9.30am. The talk will be on corruption. All welcome. Entry is R10 and includes tea. Contact Sue Smith on (043)735-2780 for details.

January 28-29

●Bring the family to the annual Buffalo River Monster Fishing Competition. Boats launch any time from 6am. Bank angling too. Briefing at East London Ski Boat Club at 3pm on Saturday. For details contact Tony Moodley on 081-354-9391.

January 29

●The Cambridge Sports Club Flea Market is on from 9am to 4pm. For stall bookings and details, call Gavin 084-202-7794 or Arie 063-299-8855.


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