Lions save the day

Breidbach Primary clothing donation

REACHING OUT: Lion Peter Moses, educator Rozanne Johnson, principal Ivan Harry, Lion Lady Marlene Moses, SGB chairperson Deon Alexander and educator Minnie Samuels are all smiles as a donation of clothing is made to Breidbach Primary school last week Picture: DESMOND COETZEE

BREIDBACH Primary School (BPS) received a huge boost when a donation of school clothing was handed over to the school by the King Lions Club last week.

Lion Peter Moses and his wife Lion Lady Marlene arrived at the school unexpectedly and handed over brand new school shirts, shoes and socks to the principal and staff members for distribution to needy pupils.

They donated 25 shirts and 10 pairs of shoes and socks, to the excitement of elated school personnel.

The Moses couple were educators at the school for many years before they retired.

“The initiative comes from me because as a retired teacher, who worked at the school for so many years, I know how many children are coming from poor households and would appreciate the contribution from the bottom of their hearts,” Marlene said.

Peter said his wife’s proposal to support the school was approved by the Lions Club, who also put their full weight behind the initiative.

“Marlene immediately received the thumbs-up when she shared her idea with the directors, who also promised their support,” Peter said.

Their former head and BPS principal, Ivan Harry, said the school was grateful that such positivity, encouragement and motivation from Lions had lead to their individual sponsors accommodating needy kids at the school.

“Many kids come from Acorn Village, Qalashe and Siyathemba villages. We accommodate the children from some of the most poverty stricken areas in our ward and this donation is highly appreciated,” Harry said.

He added that foundation phase head Minnie Samuels and educator Rozanne Johnson would identify the children and hand over the gear.

His governing body chairperson, Deon Alexander, also graced the occasion and was overwhelmed by the Lions’ gesture.

“A big thank you to the Lions Club for the donation – Who said Christmas, is only in December? This will without doubt served as a motivation and encouragement to our little ones to be more eager to attend school as they will be shining like stars,” Alexander said.



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