THE third FNB Eastern Cape Wine Show once again takes place at The Venue at Heming- ways next Thursday and Friday.
Book your date night to taste a choice selection from the Western Cape’s smorgasbord of wonderful wines, from scintillating sparklings and crisp whites to voluptuous reds, Cape Ports and fine brandies in the line-up.
Returning to wow East London, wine lovers can find on display Bon Courage, Spier, Glen Carlou, Vondeling and Robertson Winery – while Tokara, Overhex Wines, Diemersfontein and Valdo Prosecco are among those making a first-time appearance.
FNB private wealth Southern and Eastern Cape divisional manager, Quentin Maritz, said: “The FNB Eastern Cape Wine Show has secured a spot in the East London calendar as the most sought-after wine tasting event for the local community.
“Our strategic intent goes beyond mesmerising wine-lovers and clients with a sense of adventure and exceptional wine- tasting experience, but to support local economic development in the province and demonstrate local excellence in business, while hosting the community in a distinctive manner.”
FNB Private Clients and FNB Private Wealth have made a joint commitment to sponsor the annual FNB Regional Wine Show in East London. More than an opportunity to taste superb wines in a relaxed and sophisticated setting, the FNB Eastern Cape Wine Show is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to shop for wine favourites at the Shop@Show stand. The fun starts at 5pm until 9pm.
Tickets are R170 per night and includes unlimited tastings, wine tasting glass and wine show guide. Ticket sales are open and can be purchased at one of the following options.
– Online www.computicket.com
– Money Market counters in Shoprite Checkers stores
– At the door (subject to availability). Light meals will be available to buy at Hemingways.
For more information go to www.easterncapewineshow-el.co.za
For more information for all the FNB wine shows around the country visit www.outsorceress.co.za.
The FNB Eastern Cape Wine Show promotes responsible drinking. No persons under the age of 18 will be allowed in to the show.