The Buffalo City Metro Municipality (BCMM) have turned off East London Child Welfare’s electricity.
Due to East London Child Welfare’s financial struggles over the past few months, their municipal accounts are in arrears.
“BCM was threatening to cut our power throughout the past few months. They did give us some leeway and we made agreements in order to keep our doors open,” said East London Child Welfare Director, Soraya Leeuw.
Due to Child Welfare’s financial constraints, they were unable to honour the agreement.
This is a breaking story and the GO! will keep you up to date with any developments in it.
Not too long ago East London Child Welfare faced closure and could barely provide for their own employees, much less, pay municipal rates.
The people of East London responded with kind and generous donations saving the organisation from imminent closure, but BCMM have left Child Welfare in the dark.
Leeuw and her team are doing what they can to get the organisation up and running again.