IN A bid to help fight cancer and also help raise funds for Choc, the Selborne College versus Queens College derby day on May 6 will be turned into a pink affair.
Special pink caps with the Selborne dog logo and pink ribbons will be on sale at the gate, with all proceeds going to Choc (Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa) – as part of the “Selborne Scrums Cancer” initiative.
The initiative is the brainchild of Peter McLoughlin, who has a relative who was diagnosed with cancer last year. Because he is an Old Selbornian himself, McLoughlin decided to partner with the school.
“There are people I know who have been diagnosed with cancer,” he said.
“It dawned on me then that we can do everything on earth but we are unable to beat this disease, but we can unite in raising funds in making sure that we assist those who are battling with it,” McLoughlin said.
“We need to make noise about it because one way or the other, we are all affected,” he said.
It is not the first time that a Buffalo City school has “gone pink” to support cancer. Dale College have worn pink rugby kit in support of cancer
The trees will be wrapped in pink, referees will be dressed in pink and youth who will be working on the day, will also be also kitted out in pink.
Executive director at the Old Selbornian Association, Alan Parsons, said: “Selborne has always supported the community and we are planning to have this annually. We as the school have always had the belief that we need to support our community, and Choc is our community and we will always strive to give back. “It’s our community, we must look after it”
Choc Eastern Cape regional manager, Debbie Kleinenberg, said they were overwhelmed because it was an incredible gesture from Selborne College and local businesses. “It’s fabulous. What is more exciting, is that we have a relationship with Selborne. We feel privileged and honoured that they appreciate the work that we do,” she said.
If you want to be involved, contact McLoughlin on