What’s On 5 May


● U3A (University of the Third Age) will have Frere Hospital CEO, Dr Rolene Wagner as the guest speaker at St Andrews Croquet Club at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Sue Smith (043)735-2780.

● The East London slot car club will have racing every Thursday evening from 7pm. For further information contact Hennie on 082-448-3221.

● Please join the EL Dance Club tonight and every Thursday night at the EL Bowling Club.

● The Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve is a must for those who love beautiful places, river views, a mangrove swamp – and forest walks. The reserve is off Beaconhurst Drive. Turn at the Dassie Trail sign. For enquiries phone Celia on (043)735-1833.

● Go and join the Scottish Country Dance Club. They meet every Tuesday from 4pm to 5.30pm in the Ham’s Club. Free lessons given R10 per person per session. For queries call Nookie Middleton 084-693-2836 or Merrylees Burgess (043)721-0375.

● If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Gonubie Community Policing Forum, please contact Dewald Knoetze on 082-822-1035 or Fred Minty on 072-515-8646.

● Alcoholics Anonymous Gonubie meet at the Baptist Church in Watsonia Crescent at 7.30pm. Contact Jan on 082-850-6918 or Nick on 072-831-7663.


ARTISTS UNITED: The Benediction of Shade III presents group exhibitions by artists who have engaged with the figure, idea or metaphor of the forest or tree in different ways and through different media. Previously presented by David Krut Projects (DKP) in Cape Town and Johannesburg, this rendition features a joint showcase of works by DKP and artists from East London. The exhibition opens tomorrow (5 May 2017) at 6pm at the East London Museum’s Courtney Latimer Hall. All are welcome. For more information call 043-743-0686.

● The Beacon Bay Bridge Club is looking for players interested in playing social bridge every Tuesday and Friday between 1.30 and 4.30pm. They meet at the Eden Worship Centre at 10 Coad Road, Beacon Bay. For further information, contact Olga on 083-650-6653 or (043) 735-1736 or Heather on (043) 748-1465.

● Dinner dance tonight at Comrades Club with live music by Quentin from 8.15pm. Entry R20. Call 083-255-3468 before 2pm for table bookings.

● The Benediction of Shade III presents group exhibitions by artists who have engaged with the figure, idea or metaphor of the forest or tree in different ways and through different media. Previously presented by David Krut Projects (DKP) in Cape Town and Johannesburg, this rendition features a joint showcase of works by DKP and artists from East London. The exhibition opens tomorrow (5 May 2017) at 6pm at the East London Museum’s Courtney Latimer Hall. All are welcome. For more information call 043-743-0686.


● The Centenary Tennis Club hosts social tennis every Saturday from 1.30pm. For more info call Maurice 082-676-9708 or Deon 082-443-8995.

● The Gonubie Saturday flea market takes place every Saturday morning in front of the municipality from 8am to 1pm – weather permitting. Please contact Glenda on WhatsApp or call 082-714-3390.

● Yellowwood Forest in Morgans Bay will have their Forest Fare Farmers Market every Saturday morning, regardless of the weather from 9am. For more information or to book a stall call the following: (043) 841-1 598/084 5822 601 or e-mail: info@yellowwoodforest.co.za

● The Lavender Blue Pineapple Walk takes place every Saturday morning at 6.30am – (weather permitting).


● Tea in the Trees have a market on the first and last Sunday of the month from 9am to 2pm. Any enquiries contact Kate 072-611-2367, www.teainthetrees.com or on the Facebook teainthetrees.

● The Flea Market Esplanade (in front of Osners Hotel) now on every weekend weather permitting from 8am to 2pm. All new stalls welcome.


● The East London Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, founding group, meets at The Catholic Church Hall in Caxton Street, Quigney at 7.30pm every Monday. Contact Morris 073-870-4486 or Pieter 082-094-0959 or (043)722-4033.

● Alcoholics Anonymous Kayser’s Beach Group meets at the Chapel Hall at 7.30pm. Contact 082-714-9400.

● If you are living with someone who is drinking, and this is affecting you, or perhaps you are experiencing problems from having lived with an alcoholic, relative or friend, there is help available for you at the Al Anon Family Group Meeting held at Cambridge Methodist Church Hebbes Street every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Contact Elsie (043)721-0483 or 078-628-6311.


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