THE Gonubie Bowling Club held a Corporate Bowling League on Sunday.
The league was started five years ago with the aim to recruit non-bowlers to play corporate bowls, and to try grow the “dying sport”.
The league’s purpose is also to try attract young people to play the sport.
The greens are always filled with elderly, retired skips and the club would appreciate having some youth join the Gonubie bowling family.
After having started out with six teams, the Gonubie Bowling Club has now grown to boast up to 24 teams.
“The league will play for four weeks, which is two games per week for three weeks with the fourth week being a knockout [format],” all-time-bowler Dave Richardson said.
“Our main aim is to involve as many residents as possible to join the sport.
“We want more of you [referring to reporter] young people to start playing bowls.”