Azukiwe Fetsha
What is your occupation?
I’m a black, young entrepreneur who provides excellent services to customers and creating long-term business relationships.
What motivates you to achieve more in life?
To be in my own space, to think out of the box and make that a reality. I want to create job opportunities for the unemployed youth and to assist my community where I can.
What keeps you grounded?
Sharing my ideas with people and listening to their opinions. Telling myself one day there will be a change and striving to build a good relationship with people. Staying focused at all times and being polite.
Who is your role model?
It is my grandmother. She will always tell me in spirit never to give up and to thank the Lord everyday for His grace.
What is your motto in life?
Never give up on your dreams. Plan plus implement = Conquer.
What do you value most?
The support I receive from my family and the strength of the Lord every day.
What book are you reading?
I’m reading Girls with Swords Bundle by Lisa Bevere. It is about the power of praying women that lifts up my spirit and motivates me in life.
What is your favourite television soapies?
Isibaya, The Queen, Greed and Desire
What would you like to see change in our country?
A lot of young women must support each other in working together and turn things around such as poverty, jobs and crime. Our country has so much potential and too many winners out there.
What is your favourite family destination in King William’s Town?
The King Club for the entertainment.
Where is your favourite place to eat in King William’s Town?
Nando’s and Amazon Spur, I just love their food.