Spring Day fundraiser for youth

Dress up for R5 to boost care centre’s initiatives

THE East London Child and Youth Care Centre (ELCYCC) invites companies and schools to participate in their 5 Drive Spring Fundraiser.

FUN DAY OUT: Larne Robus and the rest of the East London Child and Youth Care Centre staff want you to help them raise much-needed funds for the centre by taking part in their 5 Drive Spring Fundraiser Picture: DAILY DISPATCH FILE/BABARA HOLLANDS

The 5 Drive Spring Fundraiser calls on everyone to celebrate September 1 – also known as “Spring Day” – by dressing up in colourful spring attire and donating R5 to the cause.

“This year has been such a roller- coaster ride for our organisation, with many successes and challenges.

“We are thrilled to have come through this year triumphant and are so grateful to everyone who continues to support us,” social worker and ELCYCC fundraiser Larne Robus said.

The centre is home to 105 children up to the age of 21. Currently the Glen Stella Campus is home to 89 children and another 16 children are housed at ELCYCC’s Beacon Bay facility.

Apart from the children in their immediate care, last year the ELCYCC cared for 800 children in bordering communities. This number has grown to over 950 children.

Providing for the children’s every need, from medical to academic and social, the organisation is reliant on their dedicated staff members, volunteers, funders and fundraising campaigns such as this one.

“It’s great way to have fun in the office, an opportunity for team building and a great way to raise awareness and help the East London Child and Youth Care Centre,” Robus said.

If any companies or schools would like more information or are interested in participating, please contact Robus at elcyccfund@gmail.com or on (043)730-7212.


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