Goodwill Games to produce fireworks at Breidbach venue

THIS year’s edition of the Goodwill Games football tournament hosted by Breidbach Football Association (Brefa) and East London Central Local Football Association (ELCLFA) is set to produce fireworks at the Breidbach Sports Grounds next weekend.

The two LFAs (Local Football Associations) will compete in football games starting from U10 to over-35 level with points allocated for a win.

The association that accumulates the most points on the day will be declared the winner.

FOOTBALL EXHIBITION: Juniors to over-35s will show off their football skills at the annual Goodwill Games hosted by Breidbach Football Association next weekend Picture: SUPPLIED

The initiative of the games is to remember and pay tribute to deceased players, who were members of both associations and also serves as a platform for youngsters to showcase their skills and compete against opponents of another LFA.

The showpiece rotates every year between the organisers, with Brefa hosting this year and hoping to improve on their performances from their last meeting.

Brefa deputy chairperson Bernito Gosling is confident and optimistic they will turn the tables on their opponents this time around.

“This tournament is an event that players and most especially our youngsters are looking forward to with much anticipation throughout the season,” Gosling said.

“Our preparation went according to plan and we are hoping to turn the tables this year; so I think we have a good chance this year,” he added.

Gosling also commended his executive for their hard work, all the sponsors in making the event a reality and to the managers, coaches and players of all teams he has this to say: “Good luck and let us make Breidbach proud”.


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