‘Parents’ begin exciting journey at Breath of Life Place of Safety

EXCITED new “parents” of Breath of Life Place of Safety Andrew and Michelle Rielly, say they have answered their calling.

NEW ERA: Elaine Brenkman, right, congratulates Michelle Rielly, left, and Andrew Rielly, who were unveiled as new house parents of Breath of Life Place of Safety recently. Brenkman is the former house mother of the haven for babies Picture: SUPPLIED

Breath of Life has been operating since 2009 with a specific mandate to help women with unplanned pregnancies as well as abandoned babies in East London and surrounding areas. The place of safety has been a home to and taken care of 119 babies since then. The babies generally stay for a period of three to six months before they are adopted. The organisation takes care of babies brought in by police officers and members of the public who may have found babies who have been abandoned at birth in and around the city. Breath of Life was closed for two months while being renovated recently. The reopening and launch took place on September 10 at their premises in Dawson Road, Selborne.

“The launch tea was a great success,” Michelle said.

“The changes we have made were received with great enthusiasm.

“We also got to meet volunteers and donors and got to thank the people and businesses who were instrumental in the renovations”, Michelle said.

The Rielly’s took over from Elaine and Dirk Brenkman who left Breath of Life to establish the Guardian of Hope Place of Safety in Bonnie Doon.

“We are very excited and scared at the same time. But I am just happy that we are now at the stage where the house is complete and we are ready to make a difference,” Andrew said.


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