EL Aquarium launches project

WITH October being national Marine Month, the East London Aquarium launched its Ocean Lifeline Project at the weekend.

THROWING A LIFELINE: Friends of East London Aquarium (Fela) members, from left, Julie Holtzhausen, Lee-Anne Andersen, Tamarin Freeman-Elliott and Siana Tinley with some of the memorabilia they will be selling to raise funds for the Ocean Lifeline Project Picture: ETHIENNE ARENDS

The project focuses on raising funds for stranded marine animals rescued by the aquarium.

Buffalo City Metro spokeswoman Bathandwa Diamond said they have found members of the public who assist them with rescued animals, normally want to help an animal even further.

“With this project the public can continue assisting financially, ensuring the animal gets further support and will have the Friends of the Aquarium and aquarium staff assist this animal to the point that there is hopefully a successful release back into the wild.”

In conjunction with the fundraising, there are also unique Sea Friends memorabilia. For more information, visit the aquarium’s Facebook page.


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