THE East Coast Quilters Guild recently opened their annual exhibition at the East London Museum’s Courtenay Latimer Hall.
From hand-stitched to embellished and art quilts, the exhibition boasts an array of over 30 hand-crafted quilts.
“We name each of our pieces and are very proud of our work. Everybody has a specific style that they like, so all the quilts are very different and unique,” East Coast Quilters Guild chairlady, Anne Attenborough said.
The Guild has been around for approximately 20 years and has 65 members who meet every month at the Beacon Bay Library hall to do what they love. Every year culminates in this colourful exhibition.
“Everybody pulls their weight to make this exhibition so wonderful. Quilting is such a sociable craft, we’re like a family,” Attenborough said.
The Quilters Guild quilt for the love and joy of it, often making quilts for various charities such as old age homes and orphanages.
“It’s such a stimulating craft because there’s always something new whether it’s new fabric or different designs. We really have a lot of fun together,” Attenborough said.
The beautiful display of colour and design will run until Saturday. At just R5 per person, the public can view these stunning creations and will also be entered into a lucky draw for a SPAR hamper.