Digging deep for history of the Christmas tree

CHRISTMAS trees have certainly evolved since the introduction of trees as a symbol of celebration at this time of year about 1000 years ago in Northern Europe.

Wikipedia indicates that the decorated tree associated with Christmas is normally an evergreen conifer such as a spruce, a pine tree or a fir tree.

In 2004, Pope John Paul called the Christmas tree a symbol of Christ. He indicated that the ancient custom exalted the value of life and reminded Christians of the Tree of Life found in Genesis.

Over the years, green and white artificial trees have become more popular. It seems that there are no bounds when it comes to the imagination of people who make Christmas trees a focal point of their celebrations.

Over the past few years, several new ideas have come to the fore, including making Christmas trees out of wood or even out of plants.

An East London shopping centre recently boasted a Christmas tree made up entirely out of succulents.

Other Christmas tree ideas have included trees made from lights only, from wire, from branches or even edible Christmas trees!

Whatever your choice is, enjoy decorating this festive season. – Rep reporter


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