Man missing in river mouth

SEA RESCUE – East London – Wednesday, 27th December. Man missing in river mouth:
Geoff McGregor, NSRI East London station commander, said:

At 19h00, Wednesday, 27th December, NSRI East London duty crew were activated following reports of a drowning in progress at the Nahoon River mouth.

The sea rescue craft Spirit of Rotary II was launched and our NSRI rescue vehicle, EC Government Health EMS, the SA Police Services, a Police dive unit and a Police K-9 Search and Rescue unit responded.

On arrival on the scene a search was carried out for a 19 year old local male who had been swept away by rip currents while swimming and he had disappeared under water.

No sign of the teenager has been found and Police are continuing with an ongoing search.

Family are being assisted by Police.

Police have opened an investigation.


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