High goal for Challenge

The East London Eye Hospital Laser Challenge will be taking place at the Beacon Bay Country Club on Saturday morning.

ON THE RUN: 2017 Laser Challenge participants run the 10km and 5km routes towards the finish line. The event, attracting 1900 entrants for the past two years, hopes to beat the 2000 mark this year Picture: SUPPLIED.

Starting at 6.30am, the Laser Challenge will see runners embark on a 10km or 5km route taking them through Beacon Bay and back to the country club to cross the finish line.

“Over the past two years, we’ve had about 1900 entrants over the two distances so we’re really hoping to get more than 2000 participants this year,” East London Athletics Club Chairman and Laser Challenge organiser, Graham Reynolds, said.

“Our main objective as an athletics club, is to help people stay fit and obtain their fitness goals in a fun way,” he said.

Although online entries for the race have closed, enthusiasts are welcome to sign up for the challenge at the Beacon Bay Country Club from 5pm to 7pm until tomorrow or from 5.30am to 6.30am on the Saturday of the race.

With the East London Eye Hospital as the Laser Challenge’s main sponsor, and in the hopes of raising awareness of laser refractive surgery, entrants can expect free eye scanning on the day of the race.

The entrance fee is R70 for the 10km and R35 for the 5km routes.

For more information, contact Reynolds at graham@isat.co.za


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