The SRC at the University of Fort Hare’s East London campus has vowed that the academic year will not resume until the management has sorted out the accommodation issues.
Hundreds of registered students at the campus are still without accommodation.

Classes were scheduled to start on Monday February 5, however SRC’s residence officer Luvo Ndila announced this week that no classes would start if the accommodation issue had not been sorted out.
“We are going to meet with the management to discuss the issue of students who are in need of accommodation inclusive of first-years and students who were residing at Union Arcade,” he said.
He said the management had agreed to take the matter into consideration and come with a response before Friday.
“We requested an extra 250 beds last year with an understanding that this crisis would not take place as it has been the case in the previous years.
We emphasised to them that should they fail to deliver as promised then this would mean there are no classes that will commence on Monday,” he said.
Two weeks ago, hundreds of returning students who were residing at Union Arcade demonstrated outside the campus demanding to be allocated accommodation.
They later invaded the residence (Union Arcade), but until this day they have not received inventory forms.
“We were tired of being moved up and down hence we decided to come back here while the management is still sorting out our accommmodation,” said a student who wanted to remain anonymous.
University spokesman Khotso Moabi was not immediately available for comment.