Morning of honour for City Life pastor

CITY Life Church will be holding a Morning of Honour for Pastor Dave Gernetzky as he prepares to transition after 35 years of ministry at the church.

FOND FAREWELL: Pastor Dave and Bev Gernetzky Picture: SUPPLIED

Pastor Dave and Bev lived and ministered in Johannesburg while Dave completed his final year of theological college before travelling to East London to lead the then Quigney Baptist Church.

Invited to lead the church in January 1982 when it comprised 42 members, Pastor Dave has seen the church continuously grow to become one of the largest Baptist Churches in Southern Africa.

He has many good memories but the highlight has always been seeing people commit their lives to Jesus.

Dustan and Sarah Bell, who have recently relocated from Australia, will now lead the church as Calvary East London.

“Our church is in an exciting transition and we are eager to enter a new season as Calvary East London,” said Dustan.

Calvary Christian Church is a church which meets in seven cities across Australia and is now in South Africa, with the first campus in East London.

“The transition has also called for two other families also relocating from Australia to East London to lead our Worship and Children’s Ministries, along with another young adults who will be leading our Varsity Ministry.”

The Morning of Honour will start at 9am until 10.30am at the church at 70 Tennyson Street, Quigney. The church will re-launch as Calvary East London on Sunday February 18 with 9am and 6pm services.


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