POWERVISION Inc is looking for patients to take part in their study

POWERVISION Inc is recruiting patients to take part in their Orion Clinical Study, patients have to be at least 50 years of age to qualify Picture: SUPPLIED

POWERVISION Inc, a private medical device company is currently recruiting patients to take part in the Orion Clinical Study for a new, advanced Intraocular Lens (IOL).

To qualify to participate in the study, patients have to be at least 50 years of age and be diagnosed of cataract in both eyes.

They must also meet the following key requirements:

  • No previous eye surgery or trauma in both eyes,
  • No other systemic or ocular diseases like glaucoma,
  • Diabetes or age-related macular degeneration (AMD),
  • Patient is willing and physically capable of wearing contact lenses,
  • If required Patient is willing and able to comply with schedule for follow-up visits for 6 months after surgery,
  • Patient does not currently participate in any other clinical study for the eye.

The Orion Study will determine if the FluidVision AIOL will allow patients who undergo cataract surgery to see distant objects as clearly as with a standard lens, and also to see near objects more clearly than with a standard lens.

Eligible patients will receive a FluidVision AIOL in one eye and a standard lens, the Alcon AcrySof® IQ Monofocal IOL in the other eye.

Patients will be required to have 7 follow-up visits over a 6-month period after cataract surgery.

What is a cataract and how it is usually treated?

With age, the natural crystalline lens within the eye may become opaque (cloudy) and no longer allows enough light to pass through to permit the eye to focus properly.

In traditional cataract surgery, the natural lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL).

Conventional IOLs are monofocal lenses, meaning they are designed to provide good visual acuity at a single focal point, usually far away for good distance vision.

Therefore, some patients may require reading glasses or contact lenses even after successful surgery in order to use a computer, read or perform other close-up tasks within arm’s length.

If find out more information about this study, please call Powervision on +27 87 550 5848 and schedule an appointment to find out if you are a suitable candidate for this clinical study.







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