EL Cantana Choir to Perform Faure’

THE East London Cantata Choir will be presenting Fauré’s Requiem on Sunday at 4pm at the St John’s Anglican Church.

Directed and conducted by qualified musician and organist Dr Bruce Johnson, the choir will be singing this challenging repertoire in Latin.

Upon arrival, audience members will receive a sheet with the English translation.

As a non-profit organisation, the choir was set up in the early ’70s and has presented many oratorio and choir performances around East London.

“The main aim of the choir is to give people who enjoy singing, a chance to perform as part of an organised group, as well as providing cultural music to East London audiences,” secretary Yvonne Daniels said.

The choir consists of 40 members and is always looking for more music enthusiasts to join.

Membership is free of charge and the ability to read music is not a requirement.

All are welcome to attend the choir’s performance on Sunday. Admission is free, with a small retiring collection in order to cover costs.

For more information, contact Daniels on 082-878-2079.


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