Women embrace ‘Doek’ festivities

Doek on Fleek, a national event aimed at women empowerment, made its way to East London for the first time on Saturday September 22 at the Alexander Golf Course.

The event has been running for three years. It has gained appeal in where it has reached almost all provinces, even and is even branching out into the rest of Africa, to countries such as Botswana and Lesotho.

Event organiser Notyatyambo Daniel, said they were currently working on an even bigger showcase earmarked for next year.

GIRL POWER: Ladies enjoy themselves at the recent Doek on Fleek event in East London Picture: AMANDA NANO

“We’re aiming to fill up Moses Mabhida Stadium in August with women from all nine provinces as well as women from the other African countries we will be hosting,” Daniel said.

At the East London event, enthusiastic women were attired in white, with colourful doeks adorning their heads.

One of the exhibitions was organised by Ingqosha, an organisation which focuses on handcrafted Xhosa jewellery and bespoke necklaces.

Crafter Boniwe Bakaqana said she started making small beaded pieces in 2007.

“When I do my work, I don’t want to do the same thing as another person. I want to do something different, not do the same as others” Bakaqana said.

Ingqosha owner Maya Lotz said they bought the beads from other women entrepreneurs and also supplied quality imported glass beads.

“The traditional Xhosa pieces have been researched as to give an accurate presentation and also educate at the same time,” So much culture has been lost through the ages,” Lotz said.


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