Despite numerous complaints to Buffalo City Municipality (BCM), little has been done to clean up the corner of Belgrave and St Matthews roads after a truck crashed into a tree and caused the intersection to be completely blocked by fallen branches.
The initial incident occurred on the morning of Sunday February 17 when a truck crashed into two jacaranda trees, breaking off large branches which then lay across the road and prevented access.
According to local resident Tessa Booth who the GO! & Express first spoke with on Monday February 18, workers only arrived on February 21 to remove the debris from the road. However, instead of taking the debris away to be properly disposed of, they left it on the pavement.
“Then they came a few days later with a bakkie and a trailer with about six people and all they did was sit there and talk,” she said.
The GO! & Express visited the area again last Thursday. Not only were the branches still heaped on the pavement, but rubbish had begun piling up in the gutters.
“Now people are starting to use it as a dumpsite,” Booth said.
She also said the lack of proper disposal was causing security concerns in the area.
“People have been sleeping in [the piles of branches] and when my people come in, they are being attacked.”
The municipality had not responded to a request for comment at the time of going to print.