The Compassionate Friends will host their annual Candle Lighting Memorial Ceremony in memory of their children at the Stirling Presbyterian Church on Monday November 18 at 7:30pm.
“The ceremony is our way of including our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and grandchildren in preparation for the holiday season.
“The evening is dedicated to them,” EL chapter leader and international chairperson Myrtle Fleming said.
“This evening is a service of thanksgiving and Rev Ryan Watt will give the address.
“As we no longer have the pleasure of buying gifts for our own children, we usually ask families to bring a gift in memory of their child.
“This year, we are asking them to rather fill a brown bag with non-perishable food items and they will be handed out to families in need,” she said.
Candles will be available for a donation and parents are asked to bring a photo of their child for the memory table.
All bereaved parents, their families and friends are welcome to attend.
For more information, call Fleming on 043-721-0406/ 083-973-6106 or Jenny Whittal on 043-741-0551/083-296-7194.