Endumiswnei Faith Mission Picture : SUPPL IED
The Endumisweni Faith Mission came to the rescue for the Mdantsane community at N.U 8
and 10 last week, after they distributed food parcels to residents who were in dire
need of food. The initiative, with the help of Duane Brassell from FoodForward SA, handed out more than 240 food parcels to family beneficiaries.
“The impact of this pandemic has undoubtedly created a huge crisis in food security, which is most deeply felt in the township communities. Government is doing whatever they can to
alleviate the situation, but it is not enough.
“Therefore, as a religious institution that seeks to promote the good deeds of the Lord and
follow in His footsteps, we felt it as also our duty to assist where we can with little that we have, which goes a long way to those that will benefit,” said Reverend Fundisa Ngoma.
Residents that benefited from this relief were grateful, with many people expressing concern over the struggle to put food on their tables.
“We could not give to everyone as we had limited food parcels and those that didn’t get, understood our position,but they will be considered should we receive more food parcels, as we registered them in a waiting list”, concluded Ngoma. Endumisweni Faith Mission
was established in 1980 by Gladys Zodwa Spampool. Her charitable acts earned her much
acclaim and she would often welcome strangers into her four- roomed home, caring, feeding and healing them physically and spiritually.
With the number of supporters growing, Spampool established the Endumisweni Home Based Care Centre , as a place of safety, which was later relaunched and registered as an
NPO under the department of social development (DSD) as Endumisweni Multi-purpose
Centre (EMPC) in 2012.
“EMPC has welcomed many broken families that seek refuge during a time of difficulty. They were accepted without asking anything from them other than assisting them in understanding their way of life,” Ngoma said.