Businessman shares experience with substance abuse

Addictions affect everybody and anybody and we should not be pre-judgemental about people who are addicts. So says Tubs Lingham in a moving Facebook testimonial that has gone viral.
Tubs was talking about his experiences battling substance abuse.
Lingham is a local businessman who has been living a rehabilitated life for the past two years.
For almost 25 years prior to that, he’d lived a life of denial — denial that he had an addiction, denial that he was causing heartache to those who love him and those whom he loves.
His addiction was so powerful that despite being given an ultimatum by his family, it was many months before he realised he’d reached rock-bottom and that he needed to change.
Some of the Lingham’s experiences in his summarised life story are typical of what most addicts experience.
However, at its very core, this heartfelt narrative is one of redemption, repentance and
inspiration with the intention of fulfilling the final stage of Narcotics Anonymous’ 12-step
programme —to help others with similar challenges or to give back to the community.
He chose to do both.
He is actively involved in the community, along with other members of the Local Yokel Project, and is also raising funds to purchase a gait walker for Logan Bartle –
Through sharing his testimony in a public forum, Lingham said he hoped to help others break the cycle of addiction or prevent one from starting, as substance abuse is an extensive and intensifying problem in our country, particularly among youngsters.
Peer pressure, poor stress management, boredom, low self-esteem, curiosity and
experimentation are the main reasons for drug use, especially among teenagers and young
adults who may be exposed to drugs at school, work or society in general.
Anyone can become an addict —even those of whom we would least expect it — and it is not always easy to spot the warning signs.
If you are on the brink of abuse or if you know of, or suspect, someone who may need support, there is hope and help available.
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group and Narcotics Anonymous are just two reference points which offer guidance as well as extensive resources on their websites – and
Lingham’s turn-around is to be commended and now that he has fulfilled the 12th step as a
recovering addict, his words give one pause for thought:
“Don’t judge me, celebrate with me.”
Lingham’s testimony can be found at