SA’s Catholic Church mourns loss of Archbishop Abel Gabuza to Covid-19


Covid-19 has claimed the life of the Catholic Church’s archbishop coadjutor of the archdiocese of Durban, Abel Gabuza.

The Catholic Church’s coadjutor archbishop Abel Gabuza has died of Covid-19.
Image: The Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa/via Facebook

Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, the Catholic Archbishop of Durban, made the announcement on Sunday.

Gabuza died at Hillcrest Hospital on Sunday morning after a week in ICU battling Covid-19.

“The archbishop had not been with us in Durban long — just short of two years — but in that time we came to recognise him as a gentle, caring and warm-hearted pastor.

“Through his gentleness, caring and warmth he made an immediate impact on everyone who was privileged to make his acquaintance. That’s an added reason why his passing is such a tremendous loss to us and to the entire church in Southern Africa,” Napier said in a statement.


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