Penny’s Project Delivers

Beneficiaries receive boxes full of goodies



SUCH was the generosity of the East London community that four beneficiaries were identified to receive contributions made towards Penny’s Project.

The Project forms part of the annual back-to-school colouring-in competition run by PNA Stationers, East London in partnership with the GO! & Express and works towards collecting donations of new and pre-loved books and stationery for children in need within our community.

Three of the four beneficiaries recently received the items and were also treated to a visit by Penny, the PNA monkey mascot, much to the delight of the children. The fourth beneficiary will receive their donatio during the course of the year.

First to receive theirs was Future Roses Educare, situated in Moore Street, Quigney which was featured recently in the GO! & Express (“Future Roses Educare call for donations”, GO & Express, February 4 2021)

Upon receiving the donations, Future Roses creche educator Nobubele Majamane said: “The books will help us a lot in terms of developing our language skills.

“This will assist the children in being more comfortable with learning the English language. Also each child will have their own colouring-in book now so they won’t have to take turns and wait for the next person to finish before using a book.”

Grade 1 learners from Noncedo Primary School also benefitted from Penny’s Project.

Situated in the rural area of Ducats on the N6, the primary school is located within a modified farm house and has been supported by churches and many generous people over time.

The learners will soon be relocated to new premises where they will join Noncedo High School, which is a short distance further along the N6.

Bev van Welie and Lynn du Preez have been volunteer workers at the school and in the community for many years and were able to join Grade 1 teacher, Nomfundo, when she accepted the contributions on behalf of the school.

Another beneficiary was the Carel du Toit Centre which is situated in Cheltenham Road, Selborne.

Project manater Paula Kumm accepted the gifts on behalf of the centre.

The centre teaches hearing-impaired children to speak through the maximum use of hearing technology, and provides parental guidance and support.

As part of Frere Hospital’s speech therapy and audiology department’s outreach programme, learners have consultation sessions with its speech therapists.

‘We are most grateful to the people of East London for their kind donations in the midst of trying times – the books have already been added to our library and they are a most welcome addition.

Our heartfelt thanks must go to Maryke from PNA Stationers, East London and the GO! & Express team for this most worthwhile project,” said Kumm.

Kumm’s words echo the sentiments of all the beneficiaries whose needs remain on-going.

The public are welcome to contact the schools directly to learn more about them and to offer any other forms of assistance.

BY: Siphosihle Dyonase and Wendy Kretschmann


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