Progress in our fitness challenge

It has been 11 weeks since the majority of us began our journey with the Fit for Logan Challenge.

This puts us at around one third of the way into the 29-week challenge which sees Tubs Lingham (Pot O Curry owner), Caron Troskie (Link FM radio presenter) and GO! & Express staff members Cheryl Larsen and Wendy Kretschmann strive to lose a collective 112 kilograms.

Thanks must be given to dietician Warick van der Lingen who gave of his time to work out diet plans in his personal capacity and Wanda Fourie, owner of Shape Up Gym who provides rewarding work-outs as well as words of advice.

As a result of their valuable input and our determination to succeed for Logan’s sake, we have managed to lose a combined 42 kilograms to-date.

The good news doesn’t stop there though as we have raised R64,022 thanks to once-off contributions as well as from pledges which are based on our per kg loss.

Fit for Logan is an off-shoot of the original Logan’s Smile ZA which was initiated by Lingham with the assistance of Local Yokels and Helping Those in Need and which also saw fantastic support from the East London community.

Logan Bartle’s mom, Hayley, is extremely blessed by what the community is doing for her son who will be turning 3 years of age next week. (“Logan’s mom tells her tale, GO! & Express, May 20, 2021)

Her sentiment is shared by those of us participating in the challenge though the word ‘grateful’ seems insignificant as it barely explains how we feel about the way the East London community and some from without our borders have embraced our efforts to raise awareness about cerebral palsy and also to assist with finances and to offer other forms of contributions.

The list of those who have contributed thus far is growing almost daily and though some prefer to remain anonymous, we extend our joint thanks to those who have partnered with us so far.

These include our main sponsors: PixlOnline, Mzantsi Group, Shape Up Gym, Link FM and the GO! & Express.

Thanks also go to Local Yokel, Helping Those In Need, Gary Bolton from Bolton & Associates, Ginger Love, Cook4Life and Go Visual.

We are grateful for the help of family and friends of all four participants including Vinny Lingham, Ganas Lingham, Sash Lingham, Linda Penhall, Kelvin Kretschmann, Bernadine van Heerden, Lorraine, Joanne, Karen and Robyn (full names withheld).

The amount pledged so far is sizeable, however, there is still a need to raise a great deal more to assist Hayley Bartle to meet the needs of her son Logan.

Collectively, we still aim to lose 70kgs and you have the power to make a difference in Logan’s life by contributing a minimum of R1 per-kg loss.

It is a simple process to pledge.

Contact any of those listed below and we will send you the registration form via WhatsApp or e-mail. Alternatively, you will find the link at the bottom of the online version of this and previous articles.

Contributions only need to be paid at the end of the challenge in October 2021 which coincides with International Cerebral Palsy day on Wednesday October 6, 2021.

  • Tubs Lingham 072-538-7968
  • Caron Troskie 081-508-4874 |
  • Cheryl Larsen –
  • Wendy Kretschmann – 072-738-2540 |

The GO! & Express is the official print media sponsor of the Fit for Logan Challenge.



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