GO! & Express team, and supporters, bring smiles to girls’ faces, writes Wendy Kretschmann
As per the adage ‘a picture paints a thousand words,’ the photos shown here tell the tale about the GO! & Express team making a difference in the lives of two young girls with low cognitive abilities who live at Canaan Care Centre’s residence.
Lindi and Pal are their names and we hope they were ‘tickled pink’ by their new-look room especially since the colour of the paint carries the same name.
The five of us got stuck in and came away virtually, but not entirely, unscathed as paint made its way surreptitiously onto our clothing, arms and faces.
Pot O’ Curry owner and Fit for Logan initiator, Tubs Lingham, and his wife Jeska also came to assist on the day and, at the end of it all, everything turned out spectacularly.
“Many hands make light work” is an old proverb, however, its sentiments remain unchanged as is evident by the support that has been given by our community.
So once more, we extend our thanks and appreciation to those who made this particular project possible.
These include a couple of anonymous donors as well as Pot O Curry, Burmeisters, Duram Smart Paints, SE Bookkeeping and the GO! & Express team who not only participated on the day, but who also contributed on a personal level.
The Fit for Logan Challenge’s mission is two-fold – create awareness about cerebral palsy, hence our involvement with Canaan, and raise funds to assist with Logan Bartle’s current and future medical expenses.
If you would like to sponsor any of the Fit for Logan Challenge participants for their weight loss, please contact them telephonically, on WhatsApp or by e-mail.
Alternatively, click here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9EdVhIMF-Rj7pXSELYPvfbldsFYk1xaHKsTAviBTupI-IAg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 to access the sponsorship link on any of the Fit For Logan Challenge articles.
- Tubs Lingham 072-538-7968
- Caron Troskie 081-508-4874 | caron@linkfm.co.za
- Hayley Bartle – 060-895-2306 | hayleybartle22@gmail.com
- Cheryl Larsen – cheryll@goexpress.co.za
- Wendy Kretschmann – 072-738-2540 | wendyk@goexpress.co.za
The GO! & Express is the sole print media sponsor of the Fit For Logan Challenge.