ART ATTACK: Belgravia Art Centre is currently hosting an exhibition with over 600 submissions from students in 13 East London schools, grades 1 to 7. The exhibition is running until September 9, and opens 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
COLOURFUL: ‘Rainbow Spotted Unicorn’ by Belgravia grade 5 pupil Rebekah du Preez
LARGE BEASTS: ‘A herd of walrus’, a group project by pupils grades 4 to 7 in Sharon’s Art School
ON DISPLAY: A collection of artwork by various grade 7 pupils
EXHIBITION: Grade 3 pupils from different schools show off their talents
HOPPING AROUND: ‘Our Funny Bunniez in their Happy Place’, a group project by pupils from Arcadia School
MAGIC’S IN THE AIR: ‘A little bit of rainbow magic’ by grade 1 and 2 pupils at Stirling Primary School
YOUNG TALENT: Artwork by local grade 1 pupils
BIRD WATCHING: ‘Hoep Hoep’ by Stirling Primary grade 5B pupil Ciara Erasmus