READER LETTER: Pupils’ grocery drive great help for the elderly


It is with deep gratitude we, the management and board of the DJ Sobey Old Age Home, acknowledge receipt of the proceeds of the Selborne Primary School pupil grocery drive initiated last week.

The goods will go a long way towards addressing the growing needs of the home and its elderly residents.

We are particularly pleased that God placed it in your hearts to identify our home as a worthy beneficiary of this initiative as we are facing our fair share of challenges at this juncture.

These have been further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

We pray God’s blessings over each and every staff member, pupil and donor who contributed in making this worthy endeavour possible.

We look forward to hosting you and the pupils once circumstances allow and trust we can sustain this mutual relationship going forward.

Joe Japhta is the sustainability and programme manager at DJ Sobey Old Age Home


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