Post Office and Nal’ibali promote childhood literacy

In honour of National Literacy Month, the SA Post Office (SAPO) has partnered with NGO Nal’ibali to organise a special commemorative event on Friday September 17.

SENDING A MESSAGE: Children are encouraged to send a postcard to a loved one on Friday to commemorate National Literacy Month
Picture: PIXABAY

On that day, children across the country are encouraged to write a postcard to their loved ones which can then be sent free of charge.

“The postcards will be provided by Nal’ibali and can be posted anywhere in South Africa. Our literacy activists will be on standby to help children write or draw on their cards and post them off to their loved ones,” said Nal’ibali CEO Yandiswa Xhakaza.

Nal’ibali is a national campaign aimed at encouraging children to read and since 2016, it has been working with SAPO to distribute a bilingual newspaper supplement aimed at fostering a love of reading-for-enjoyment among children and members of the public.

In the Eastern Cape, the NGO also co-runs the Yizani Sifunde (‘Come, let us read’) project alongside fellow NGOs Book Dash and WordWorks. The project is funded by the Liberty Community Trust and helps support children and educators in East London, Tsholomqa and Komani.

“People who read are innovative: they become pioneers, game-changers and captains of their industries. Children who read become adults who can change the world,” Xhakaza said.

SAPO group CEO Nomkhita Mona said reading skills were vital to a child’s school success.

“However, only 17% of South African schools have a library stocked with books, and very few homes have more than ten titles on their shelves.

“That is why we are happy to distribute Nal’ibali’s supplement to reading clubs, schools, libraries and community organisations all over the country,” she said.


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