Virtual walk raising money for Choc

Closing out Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the Virtual Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer which will be taking place on October 30.

With the ongoing lockdown preventing large gatherings, this year’s walk will see participants across the country picking their own 5km route.

“It is an ideal family event as you can walk or run the five kilometres as fast or slow as you like, starting at eight in the morning,” said Algoa FM marketing manager Lesley Geyer.

At the time of writing, nearly 7,000 entries had been received and registration is still open. All proceeds from the event will go towards the Childhood Cancer Foundation of SA (Choc) to help them purchase a new transporter for young cancer patients and their carers in the BCM area.

In addition, Algoa FM will be live-streaming a special concert featuring a mix of top local and international talent including Canadian pop duo Neon Dreams, internationally acclaimed South African country artist Roan Ash, celebrated singer/songwriter Majozi and Cape Town-based New Hero.

The concert will be streamed through the Algoa FM website and their Facebook page.

To register, visit their website.


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