Bursary launch for John Bisseker pupils

ALUMNI LEGACY: Former minister of public administration Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, third right, is pictured here with school principal Richard Joubert and staff from John Bisseker Secondary School. Picture: SUPPLIED

Former minister of public administration Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi visited John Bisseker Secondary School on September 30 to launch a bursary for a deserving student, in honour of her late father, Arthur Fraser.

Fraser was a maths and science teacher in the Cape Peninsula but was born and raised in the Eastern Cape and attended John Bisseker Sec as a teen.  The Frasers have left an imprint in SA through their contribution in various spheres of society through politics, public service, business and sport, among others, with a clear commitment to social justice and more.

Fraser-Moleketi said this bursary was a small gesture from the Fraser family to encourage pupils at a public school in a challenging community setting  to strive for excellence through education.

This year Fraser would have turned 90 and in honour of his legacy, his family has decided to donate a R10,000 bursary towards the current first place matric student in maths and science at the school.

John Bisseker is grateful for this contribution, given its ongoing efforts to create a robust alumnus network that can contribute towards developing the school.

Fraser-Moleketi has also pledged to donate a second bursary towards next year’s top maths and science pupil and the school believes this will encourage better performance in these subjects among the matric class of 2023.

John Bisseker educator Brenda Appollis said the recipient of the bursary had to be be a hard-working and diligent pupil who wanted to study further. The money will help towards registration fees, transport and books.

Fraser-Moleketi said her father had been committed to working in schools with at-risk youth from low-income backgrounds and believed in making education accessible to all children.

“He was a passionate teacher who was innovative in developing the interest of pupils in the sciences.The intention of this incentive is to encourage matriculants to excel in the sciences,” she said.

“Our wish is that they will plough back into John Bisseker when they are successful.”


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