The Merrifield College drama department is staging the Greek tragedy Antigone from October 18 to 20.
This ancient tale is about a highly spirited young woman named Antigone.
She defies the King, stands up for what she believes to be an honourable cause, commits a crime and is sentenced to death.
The play is a setwork in the Grade 10 dramatic arts syllabus.
Marc Williams, the director of culture and drama at Merrifield, and the show’s director, said getting to perform the play was a great opportunity for the pupils who have had to study it as a setwork.
Starring in the role of Antigone is Grade 10 pupil, Peyton Luyt, while the role of King Creon is played by Grade 11 pupil Trent Pillay.
Five staff members are involved in the production too.
Block bookings are for visiting schools only and are limited to 10 or more pupils, and tickets are R30 for pupils and teachers.
The show is about 75 minutes, with no intervals.
There will be a tuckshop available before and after the show.
Tickets will also be on sale at the door but to avoid disappointment, it is better to purchase them ahead of the show.
WhatsApp Marc Williams to confirm block bookings on 083- 351-8707.