Christo Hunt, who has vast knowledge of SA’s coastal fauna and flora, has dedicated many years of his life to caring for the Bufffalo City region’s estuaries, as well as educating visitors to the East London Aquarium.
Last year, he released his first book, Coastlines, which captures his vast knowledge of the Buffalo City region’s rich coastal areas.
Coastlines was developed over a six-year period while Hunt was living and working in Sweden.
“I missed South Africa for its stunningly beautiful coast, as well as my friends and family. I realised while I was there that internationally, the environment is deteriorating rapidly.
“I focused on what I know and love.
“The book talks about our coastline’s importance and some of my experiences, sometimes with a bit of humour and/or irony to keep it interesting.”
His book is self-published, with an Afrikaans edition being worked on, and translations in other languages planned for the future.
Hunt said Coastlines served as an important educational resource to get people motivated to care for the environment.
Though advised by many to rather publish online, Hunt said printed versions guarded against the spread of online myths.
“Some new information appeared as I researched,” he said.
“I was shocked to learn new truths and myths as the internet and social media can be misleading with information.
“The book is apolitical, and I’ve tried not to point fingers at nations and groups who have their own story to tell.”
Coastlines is available at The Book Lounge and the East London Museum or can be ordered from Hunt at