During December, ward 18 residents, in collaboration with the SAPS, launched the Community in Blue volunteer initiative which is aimed at enforcing bylaws on Nahoon Beach.
The volunteers have conducted afternoon patrols every weekend since December 16, with the aim of curbing alcohol consumption on the beach.
The patrol group includes between two to four residents and a police officer.
Alcohol found on the beach is confiscated.
The Community in Blue concept, initiated by the under-resourced SAPS and law enforcement agencies, was introduced to the Nahoon community in November.
Community in Blue chairperson, Lindsay Pollock, said: “The SAPS informed us that the community would be the eyes and ears on the ground.
“Our objective is to stop all alcohol consumption on the beach and river so that it is a safe space for families to enjoy themselves.
“Beaches are one of our biggest tourist attractions and families should feel safe in a space that is clean where bylaws are adhered to.
“People have volunteered with no payment because they have felt so frustrated watching the increasing culture of alcohol consumption on our beaches.
“The community will step up as BCM seems unable to carry out its mandate to govern our city as they pride themselves as a city hard at work but they are actually a city hardly at work.”
The committee is in need of more volunteers and any residents interested in joining are encouraged to can contact Kerry Jarmen at 083-227-0662 or Pollock at 082-852-8709.
Residents in sector one attend the Crime Prevention Forum meetings which are held at the Lifesavers Shack on the first Tuesday of every month at 5.30pm.
BCM PR councillor Sue Bentley said: “It is for people to step up and become active citizens like the Community in Blue and to take back our metro in so many aspects.
“We do not have the luxury to sit back and give up, or to just moan about lack of service delivery and enforcement of the bylaws.”