Go People – Dinika L Rooy

This week we chat with creative artist Dinika L Rooy about the beautiful and unique accessory designs that she makes under her brand Dee’s Accessories.


What products/services do you offer?

I make modern, branded, personalised, and customised earrings and keyrings. I also make laser-cut accessories for functions and events like hangers, cake toppers, welcome boards, etc.

When and how did your business start?

I started in July 2021. I started off with personalised and customised earrings for myself. I then saw that there was a demand so I started selling.

What inspired you to start your business?

I saw that there was an interest in my unique designs.

How many people do you work with?

I work mostly by myself.

Where do you get the inspiration for the products that you make?

I believe it is my God-given creativity, visions, and thoughts.

What do you think sets you apart from other similar businesses in the area?

My designs are unique and not easily obtained, which I believe is what makes people interested in buying my pieces.

What are some of the challenges you have faced and how did you overcome them?

Since I don’t have my own machinery yet, some of my designs are duplicated. I overcome it by simply ignoring it because I believe that if an idea is not yours it won’t succeed, and I want my loyal customers to remain loyal to me.

Do you have any proud moments that you have had in your business so far?

Yes, I had the privilege to create customised pieces for my sister’s bridal shower and wedding last year. Every little thing was bright, beautiful, and unique.

What are some of your goals for 2023?

My wish is to invest in my own machinery and supply my products to franchises.

What advice do you have for someone who is interested in a similar line of business?

Start small, keep it unique, and never give up. Don’t let anyone belittle your business by shaming it. If they know “someone cheaper”, let them go there.

Is there anything else that you would like our readers to know?

Through my small business venture, my clientele has grown. I now receive more support for my NPO, Keep A Girl in School.

How can our readers get hold of you? (Contact details and social media)

Facebook: Dee’s Accessories

Email dinika.rooy@gmail.com

Call: 074-804-5010.



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