Leading African auction house, Riley’s Auctioneers will go live on May 27 with an international art auction featuring 31 artworks by 21 Eastern Cape artists.
The first of its kind in East London and part of the Umtiza Arts Festival line-up, the auction features works from award-winning local artists including Bernadette Taylor, Jeff Rankin, Wandile Ntlanganiso and Lukhano Muluse.
The East London Fine Arts Society, Ann Bryant Art Gallery and Umtiza organising committee joined forces with the auction house to introduce local artwork into national and global markets, to expand commercial opportunities for artists across the region.
The auction is set to fetch prices ranging between R900 and R2,000 or more for the works on offer.
In addition to financial returns, the auction will also enable local artists to make overseas markets familiar with their style, incentivising art connoisseurs who aim to build collections from an artist’s work.
The auction starts at 10am at the Courtenay-Latimer Hall and registration which begins at 9am and includes a canape breakfast, is R1,000.
Curator at Anne Bryant, Leon du Preez said the selected artworks demonstrate a high level of skill which could influence bidders.
Du Preez added: “This is the first time East London is hosting such a high calibre auction and we are doing this so that we can promote our local talent.
“My favourites include; Catherine Harmer Fox’s The Miner, Sal Prices’s Oils, Jeff Rankin’s Portrait of a Queen, Lukhano Muluse’s drawings and Andrew Mogridge’s oils, but all of them display a high standard.
“This is all thanks to Bernadette Taylor from the East London Fine Arts Society and the Umtiza committee for initiating this venture.
“This will be an annual event if all goes to plan.”
Price will have three pieces featured and her ethereal piece entitled, Folding Time, is a uniquely coloured and immersive work that has been praised locally and is anticipated to sell well.
Price, who is excited about her first time at auction said: “I have found myself gravitating towards bright vibrant colours, especially after the pandemic.
“The viewer starts to look more deeply into the works and then has the opportunity to find all sorts of personal stories, and playful bits of painting.
“I feel really honoured to have had some of my paintings selected for the auction and I believe that with the diverse selection of artists and artworks, there will be something for everyone.”
Sponsored by; Louise Pietrucci from CVD Framers, Taylor-Made Art & Events, Clark Laing Inc Attorneys, Creativ Bloc, Border Canvas, Hobby Craft, Border Cater Hire, the auction is to be a resounding successful first attempt under the hammer for local creatives.
For more information and to RSVP, contact Anne Bryant at: dupreezleon234@gmail.com