Runners brave storm to raise money

HEROES FOR HOPE: ClaraSel200 runners brave difficult conditions to raise funds for infrastructure at Nontsikelelo Primary School. Pictures: ALAN EASON

Gale-force winds and icy rain were no match for the ClaraSel200 runners, who braved storms and weather warnings to raise funds for a new literacy centre in Mdantsane last week.

Six teachers from the Selborne and Clarendon schools, alongside NGO EduSport, persevered to finish the 200km run from Komani to East London over four days from September 23-26.

Of the group, three finished the full distance on Tuesday. Organised by EduSport, the aim of the event was to raise R100,000 in donations towards a planned reading centre at Nontsikelelo Primary School in Mdantsane.

So far, the initiative has raised R34,855 which is just above 30% of the goal amount.

However, Sport for Lives believes the run will act as a catalyst for further initiatives to be sparked in support for the donation campaign.

In mid-September the runners visited Nontsikelelo Primary to meet the 60 children who would benefit from the reading centre.

One of the  challenges facing youth education in Mdantsane is the lack of adequate schools.

Many schools in Mdantsane are overcrowded, with inadequate resources and poor infrastructure.

These schools often lack basic amenities such as toilets, libraries, and laboratories, which are essential for quality education.

The high pupil-teacher ratio in these schools means that children do not receive adequate attention, leading to poor academic performance.

EduSport director Jono Kruger said the difficulty posed by the weather conditions, including driving rain, headwind and bludgeoning side-winds resembled a blizzard from a movie.

Kruger said: “There were definitely times when we could’ve said lets pack this up, it’s crazy but its when everything seems to be stacked against you that the team rallies together and makes it happen.

“We would love to thank our wonderful sponsors for their support, including a large donation from a company that will make a substantial difference to reaching our goal amount and is soon to be reflected on the Sport for Lives website.”

If you want to donate to the cause, please visit Sport for Lives website online and search ClaraSel200 for more information or follow the link at;


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