Two of the country’s funniest comedians, Virgil Prins and Dillan Oliphant, will be coming to East London for a one-night-only show on Friday November 24 at Buff’s Club in Quigney.
Prins, who has over 10 years of experience as a professional comedian, hails from Buffalo Flats in East London and has made a name for himself opening for great performers such as Trevor Noah.
“East London is my hometown, so it will always compare favourably for me.
“Generally, East London could do with some more development, support, and quality in our entertainment industries and audiences.
“I’ve learnt that comedy is more than being funny on stage. It’s all the work that happens in the background, which is about 70% of the job. Audiences are in for more than their money’s worth,” he said.
The two comedians have different comedy styles and yet they complement each other.
In his 13 years in the industry, Oliphant has learned some valuable lessons that he continues to implement in every performance he does.
“I have learned to always work on my craft. Never be comfortable or else you will get left behind.
“From my performance, audiences can expect funny stories. I am honest and funny, and Prins and I have our funniest show prepared,” Oliphant said.
The comedians will perform a half a segment each and each comedian with share their witty, and fun content, while making light of heavy subjects without trivialising them.
Tickets cost R150 per person.
Bookings for the show can be made by contacting Janine on 083-408-0246.
The Go! & Express and 043 Events are giving away double tickets to the show.
To enter answer the question “In what suburb was Virgil Prins raised?”
Visit the Events/Competitions tab at www.goexpress.co.za to submit your answers.
The competition runs from Thursday, November 9, and closes at 12pm Wednesday, November 22.
Winners will be notified by a representative of the GO! & Express.
Virgil Prins was raised in Buffalo Flats.