How you can help survivors of gender-based violence

LETTER TO THE EDITOR JACKIE ORSMOND I would like to respond to the enlightening article which was published recently by the GO! & Express. Masithethe Counselling Services...

Challenge to BCM to justify its exorbitant water penalities

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The citizens of Buffalo City are fed up with the inconsistency in the application of water tariffs and the lack of...

Grandparents also faced crisis of World War 2

RORY HASCHICK Dear Charles Beningfield Thanks for your weekly column and especially the recent story of your lockdown emotions and your dear wife’s handling of them...

Thanks to patrons who open hearts

The Catholic Order of the Knights of da Gama wish to say a big thank you to the patrons of the two Spars mentioned...

Municipality failing motorists with poor roads

My name is Tougheeda Jacobs. I am from Cape Town and am currently having a break in East London. I was just focusing on the...

No response to whopper BCM bills

Editor RE: ERROR ON BCM ACCOUNT I have been phoning and e-mailing Buffalo City Municipality (BCM) billing enquiries regarding an electricity account that I received in...

Jafta now oncologist

THE Rotary Club of East London has welcomed back Rotarian Dr Zuki Jafta who recently qualified as a radiation oncologist. Jafta spent four years commuting...

Knights thankful for your donations

Dear residents of East London THE Catholic Order of the Knights of da Gama wish to say a big thank you to the citizens of...

BCM a let-down on water overpayments

Dear editor, BCM say they are making improvements in the running of this municipality but I have yet to see any such improvements! If one...