DIG up your old school clothes and get ready to dance the night away at the Back to School Disco taking place on April 22 at the Beacon Bay Country Club.

All the proceeds from the night will go to the Rising Sun Daycare.
The creche is run by Nozi Mswi, who caters for about 30 little ones between the ages of one and five. It’s a registered public benefit organisation (PBO) which receives no government funding or support.
Tickets for the fundraiser are available from the Beacon Bay Country Club at R100 per person.
The cost includes a cooked meal by Mr Hyde’s Restaurant and Pub, lucky draws and the services of a professional DJ.
Drinks will be available at the club bar.
The dress code is not limited to school uniforms, but those interested are urged to brush up on their school spirit.
“Come in sports kit, be a cheerleader, or even a school principal in a gown. Fancy dress is a must!” dance committee member Taralyn McLean said.
For more information, contact McLean on 082-722-5688.