THE Joanna Wright School of Ballet is set to perform Beauty and the Beast at the Guild Theatre from August 30 to September 2.

Joining the cast of 145 studio dancers are Cape Town City Ballet senior soloist, Megan Henegan and Joburg Ballet soloist, Revil Yon.
Both Cecchetti trained and from Port Elizabeth, the two soloists will be dancing the roles of Belle and the Beast, respectfully.
“With professional dancers sharing the stage, this has been an exciting project. It’s wonderful for my dancers to be exposed to professionals and experience the stage with them,” said studio owner and ballet teacher, Joanna Wright.
Creating the ballet from scratch, Wright has used artistic licence, sourcing contemporary music and choreographing original pieces.
“Creating this ballet has been very challenging, rehearsals have been long and often tiring but as always, the excitement levels are now palpable,” Wright said.

Beauty and the Beast has been a favourite of Wright’s and its wonderful message and various characters make it an ideal ballet.
“I like to do a ballet that carries a message with it.
“For me, this one is important – that true beauty comes from within and is not necessarily what we see on the outside.
“I’ve always loved this charming tale and with all the wonderful characters involved, it is ideal for a lot of dancers,” Wright said.
The well-known characters of Cogsworth, Lumiére, Plumette, Mrs Potts and Chip are also included in the beautiful story.
Yon and Hennegen, who rehearsed with the studio here in East London in June, will be back for their final few days of rehearsals at the Guild Theatre next week.
“The months of sacrifice and dedication from both dancers and parents are coming to fruition as we prepare to put Beauty and the Beast on the stage for the East London audiences. I do hope they will love it!” Wright said.
The dancers will transport audience members through this charming and well-known tale, which promises to be enjoyable for all.
Tickets are R120 per person and can be purchased from Computicket.