A GOLFING fundraiser in the Buffalo City Metro (BCM) raised an amount of R55000 for the Rising Sun Day Care Centre in Duncan Village last week Friday.

The funds, which amounted to R55000, will be used to install much-needed ablution facilities at the day care centre.
The hand-over was made possible by funds raised at the Algoa Cares Charity Golf Day which was held in September last year. Annually, the popular radio station, AlgoaFM, runs a corporate social investment programme aimed at supporting local non-profit organisations in their mission to help and empower those in need.
Founder, Nozie Mswi, who started the daycare centre five years ago after seeing the need in her community, said she wanted to have a place where neglected children were able to be cared for.
“I saw that many children were left alone, some were playing in dumpsites. I spoke to their parents who said they had nowhere to take them as they were in town searching for jobs and some were working from morning till late and that is how the idea of the centre came about,” said Mswi.
She said she started with 10 children and now she has over 40 children in her care.
Nomvuselelo Melane, the daycare educator, said they were more than grateful for the donation as the funds will help improve the condition of the shack.
“The roof leaks when it rains and this makes the floor damp. We are always worried about the children’s health as some get a fever from this. That is why today we are happy and grateful as this will make a difference in the lives of these children and this community,” she said.
Algoa FM’s marketing manager, Toinette Koumpan, said the day care centre’s building which is built from corrugated iron has been damaged by the recent heavy rains.
“The money came at the perfect time, it will be used to fix and stabilise the structure. “We are proud to be supporting the daycare centre and would like to thank the BCM businesses which supported the 2017 Golf Day which is a fun event that helps with raising funds for a very worthy beneficiary,” said Koumpan.
Algoa FM presenter, Brian Ndevu, said the funds were going towards a great and significant cause.
“The money will help the kids to have toilets and water. It will also help Improve their facility, as well as nutrition and much needed educational resources,” Ndevu said.
The next Algoa FM Golf Day will be hosted on September 28 in East London and all non-profit organisations in the Buffalo City Metro can now apply to be a beneficiary.
“We are looking for charities working in the fields of education, health and environment,” says Dohné Damons, PR and CSI Manager at Algoa FM.
Guidelines on how to apply for beneficiary status can be found online at algoafm.co.za.
All applications must be submitted by Friday, March 30, 2018.
For more information, contact Damons on (041) 505-9497.